Where does Speech Make Sense? (beta)

During the AVIxD West Coast workshop in 2011 we focused on the question “Where does Speech Make Sense?” with respect to a range of different applications, tasks, and situations.  The workshop attendees decided that the dynamic nature of the discussion threads needed a more dynamic presentation output.  As a result the output of the workshop has been captured in the form of an interactive survey rather than a static paper.

We’re not quite done with the final output yet, but we would sure like some feedback.  So we are pleased to release a draft version of the survey at the following link:

Please give it a try and send your feedback to JonathonB at SpeechCycle dot com.  We could fill the rest of the post with legal-ese verbiage about “suitability for purpose” and “no guarantees”, etc.  But we’ll keep it simple by reminding you that this is still a work-in-progress and that you should in any case apply your own good judgment before making decisions or taking action based on the content.  But you knew that already, didn’t you?