Call for Position Papers – First European AVIxD Workshop

Call for Position Papers | First European AVIxD Workshop

Cross-linguistic & Cross-cultural Voice Interaction Design

Tuesday, 24 May 2011 | Just prior to SpeechTEK Europe 2011 | 1 – 7 PM

London, England

The Association for Voice Interaction Design (AVIxD) invites you to join us for our first voice interaction design workshop held in Europe, Cross-linguistic & Cross-cultural Voice Interaction Design. The AVIxD workshop is a hands-on day-long session in which voice user interface practitioners come together to debate a topic of interest to the speech community.  The workshop is a unique opportunity for them to meet with their peers and delve deeply into a single topic.

As in previous years with the AVIxD Workshops held in the US, we will write papers based on our discussions which we will then publish on  Please visit our website to see papers from previous workshops, and for more details on the purpose of the organization and how you can be part of it.

In order to participate in the workshop, individuals must submit a position paper of approximately 500 words in English.  Possible topics to touch upon in your submission (to be discussed in depth during the workshop) include:

  • Language choice and user demographics
  • Presentation of the language options to the caller and caller preference
  • Creation and (co-)maintenance of dialogue designs, grammars, prompts across languages
  • Political and sociolinguistic issues in system prompt choices and recognition grammars, such as code-switching, formal versus informal registers
  • Guidelines for application localization, translation, and interpretation
  • Setting expectations regarding  availability of multilingual agents, Language- and culture-sensitive persona definition
  • Coordinating usability testing and tuning across diverse linguistic / cultural groups
  • Language choice and modality preference

We always encourage the use of specific examples from applications you’ve worked on in your position paper.

Participation is free to AVIxD members; non-members will be charged £25, which may be applied towards AVIxD membership at the workshop. Please submit your position papers via email no later than 16 February 2011 to Letters of acceptance will be sent out on 30 March 2011.

We look forward to engaging with the European speech design community to discuss the particular challenges of designing speech solutions for users from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.  Feel free to contact either of the co-chairs below, if you have any questions.

Caroline Leathem (

Maria Aretoulaki (