AVIxD Workshop 2016

Ubiquitous Speech:  Creating Guidelines for Designing
Conversational User Interfaces

Sunday, May 22, 2016 | Just prior to SpeechTek 2016 | 4 – 7 PM

Wardman Park Marriott, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC ‎20008

Join us for our 2016 Workshop on Creating Guidelines for Designing Conversational User Interfaces in Specific Contexts. The AVIxD workshop is a hands-on session in which a variety of designers gather to learn about a topic of interest to the community.  As a result of this workshop, AVIxD is looking to expand its set of design guidelines to include speech in specific contexts.

In today’s world, speech recognition is pervasive, from in the home, in-car, and mobile apps to public kiosks and wearable devices.  “Victim automation”, where the user doesn’t have a choice but to use the technology, is being replaced by “volunteer automation.”  Such a shift demands a new set of design guidelines as repeat user experiences and personalized relationships changes everything we’ve ever known about designing a voice user interface.  Designing conversational user interfaces will be the key for “volunteer automation” to be successful.

The goal for this workshop is to produce a set of conversational user interface design guidelines.  Topics will include:

·         Identifying specific contexts/use cases

·         Prompting

·         Error recovery

·         Shortcuts

·         User learning paradigms

·         Machine learning paradigms

We are looking for experts in specific “volunteer automation” contexts to help us with this undertaking.

The cost of participation is $50 for AVIxD members and $75 for non-members.

Sign up for this event on EventBrite!
