AVIxD Committees for 2014-2015: Call for participation

The Association for Voice Interaction Design (AVIxD) needs you!  We’ve identified six major activities for the coming year (2014/2015) and are actively soliciting existing and new members to help us achieve our goals.

  • Digital Media Committee: Members of this committee will help maintain an AVIxD web presence (our web and LinkedIn sites), determining site design, soliciting and posting news, and managing blog content, survey administration, and job postings. <Contact Jim Lewis: jimlewis@us.ibm.com>
  • Publications Committee: This committee is responsible for administering and overseeing the publishing activities of the Association, including the launch of the Association’s journal (work in progress), the Membership directory, AVIxD brochures, white papers, and other publications. <Contact Bruce Balentine: bruce@eiginc.com>
  • Wiki Guidelines Committee: Team responsible for contributing to and managing the AVIxD VUI Guidelines Wiki (see http://videsign.wikispaces.com/). <Contact Jenni McKienzie: jennimck@outlook.com>
  • Brown Bag Committee: This committee will establish a schedule of AVIxD Brown Bag sessions throughout the year. Activities include establishing a pipeline of topics and speakers, moderating the Brown Bag sessions, and promoting upcoming Brown Bag sessions. <Contact Crispin Reedy: creedy@versay.com>
  • Workshop Committee: Team responsible for coming up with one to two Workshop topics each year for our Members. Activities include establishing the topics, formulating the Workshop formats, moderating the Workshops, managing registration, and promoting the upcoming Workshops. <Contact Mark Smolensky: ms6134@att.com>
  • Marketing & Outreach Committee: Team responsible for soliciting members, admitting candidates to membership, compiling a current membership list, collecting membership fees, providing a mailing list for all notices and publications of the Association, and establishing regular communication with members and potential members. This Committee also works on making ongoing contact with professional organizations and educational institution programs with aligned interests, and strategizes on how to continually increase the value of paid membership. <Contact Jim Lewis: jimlewis@us.ibm.com>

Want to participate on a committee?  Please email the contact for the committee(s) in which you’re interested.

Help us create a strong organization with significant value for the membership.  We’re looking forward to hearing from you!